Abu Dhabi DOT Bus no: Reg Bus 880-Runs between Ghayathi, Ghayathi Rd/Ghayathi Souq and Ruwais Mall
Abu Dhabi Bus number Reg Bus 880 stops at the below bus stops:
- Ruw Ruwais Mall
- Ruw Ruwais Camp Management
- Ruw McDonald’s
- R Zubair Bin Al Awam Mosque
- R ADNOC Compound-Hospital
- R Civil Project Division
- R 2 East Street
- Ruw Compound East Market
- Ruw Ruwais ADNOC-Bus Station
- Ruw Ruwais ADNOC-Bus Station
- Ruw Compound East Market
- R 2 East Street
- Ruw Central Bus Station
- Ruw Central Bus Station
- R Al Ruwais Park
- Gha Ghayathi Rd/Target Camp
- Gha Ghayathi Rd/ Workers City
- Gha Ghayathi Rd/Al Masood Bergum
- Gha Ghayathi Rd/Al Royum Company
- Gha Ghayathi Rd/GISCO labor camp
- Gha Ghayathi Rd/Al Ghabat Camp
- Gha Ghayathi Rd/Industrial Area
- Gha Ghayathi Road-Lulu Hypermarket
- Gha Ghayathi Road-Lulu Hypermarket
- Gha Al Tala-I’ /New Mubarak Shabiya R/A
- Gha Ghayathi Rd/New Police Station
- Gha Marabi’ Ghiyathi St/Mubarak Shabiya
- Gha Marabi’ Ghiyathi St/Sheikh Zayed Mosque
- Gha Al Diyafah St /Raisa Bin Khalfan Mosque
- Gha Ghayathi Rd/Mubarak Shabiya
- Gha Ghayathi Rd/Old Hospital
- Gha Ghayathi Rd/ Ghayathi Bus Station
- Gha Ghayathi Rd/ Ghayathi Bus Station
- Gha Ghayathi Rd/ADCS Super Market
- Gha Ghayathi Rd/Ghayathi Souq
- Gha Ghayathi Rd/Public Garden
- Gha Ghayathi Rd/Majlis Mubarak Bin Qaran
- Gha Ghayathi Rd/Al Dhafra Sports Club
- Gha Ghayathi Rd/Khalfan Mubarak Mosque
- Gha Ghayathi Rd/Al Dhafra Sports Club
- Gha Ghayathi Rd/Majlis Mubarak Bin Qaran
- Gha Ghayathi Rd/Public Garden
- Gha Ghayathi Rd/Ghayathi Souq
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