WTC Mosque in Towi Bu Yeni Street, Abu Dhabi, UAE Address, Phone Number, Email, Opening Hours, Website, Google Map Location, How to Reach by Bus / Metro
Mosque in Abu Dhabi
A mosque or masjid is a place of prayer for Muslims. Mosques are usually covered buildings, but can be any place where prayers are performed, including outdoor courtyards. The first mosques were simple places of prayer for Muslims, and may have been open spaces rather than buildings.
[icon name = location-arrow] Address: 1 Towi Bu Yeni Street – Zone 1E2 – Zone 1 – Abu Dhabi – United Arab Emirates
[icon name=icon-envelope] Email:
[icon name=icon-clock] Hours:
[icon name=icon-globe] Website: WTC Mosque
[icon name=fa-map-marker] Map: View Google direction here.
About WTC Mosque
Ramadan ‘Majlis’ tents in Abu Dhabi, UAE
View the Ramadan ‘Majlis’ tents in Abu Dhabi, UAE through the above link.
WTC Mosque Facility
- Prayer Hall
- Wudu (Ablution) Area
- Library
- Islamic Classes
- Social and Community Spaces
- Imam’s Office
- Women’s Section
- Children’s Play Area
- Cafeteria
- Parking
- Community Support Services
- Islamic Funeral Services
Prayer Time in Abu Dhabi, UAE
View the Prayer Time in Abu Dhabi, UAE through the above link.
#11 Best Mosques in Abu Dhabi, UAE
View the #11 Best Mosques in Abu Dhabi, UAE through the above link.
How to Reach WTC Mosque by Bus / Metro / Taxi?
By Bus
By Taxi
List of Mosques in Abu Dhabi, UAE
View the List of Mosques in Abu Dhabi, UAE through the above link.
Contact WTC Mosque on Social Media
WTC Mosque Gallery
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