TK Elevator (StairLift for Kids, Seniors, Disabled) Abu Dhabi Customer Care Phone number, Address, Email, Opening Hours, Google Map Location, How to Reach by Bus / Metro and Social Media
Address: TK Elevator Abu Dhabi Office 1203, Global Tower, Zayed 1st Street P.O. Box 54744 Abu Dhabi
Phone: (+971)26718312
Hours: Monday to Friday – 08:30 am – 05:30 pm, Saturday and Sunday – Closed
Map: View Google direction here.
About TK Elevator
Established: 1998
Location: Abu Dhabi, UAE
Customers in Countries: 100
Sales and Service Locations: 1000
TK Elevator UAE installs, maintains and modernizes elevators and escalators. With a strong presence in various segments, we are committed to working together to make cities the best places to live.
TK Elevator Product
TK Elevator Services
- Manufacturer-independent maintenance
- Focus on compliance with all applicable laws and regulations
- Tailored service packages for any product or model on the market
- Real-time trouble-shooting with cutting-edge online diagnostic tools and remote monitoring
- A global and regional service network working around the clock
- Professional, friendly and rapid service on 1.5 million-plus units worldwide
- A global network of International Technical Service Centers delivering industry-leading training and support on all manufacturer products and models
- An online customer service portal providing maintenance tracking and data.
How to Reach TK Elevator by Bus / Metro / Taxi?
By Bus
- E100, E101
By Taxi
Contact TK Elevator on Social Media
TK Elevator Gallery
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