St.John the Baptist Church in Al Ruways, Abu Dhabi, UAE Address, Phone Number, Email, Location and social media
St.John the Baptist Church in Abu Dhabi
Address: 3PVM+VRM – Al Ruways Industrial City – Abu Dhabi – United Arab Emirates
Phone: 02-5835442
Whatsapp Number: 0545969174
Opening hours: Monday to Saturday – (8:30am–12:30pm, 4–8pm) and Tuesday – Closed
Website: St.John the Baptist Church
Location: View Google direction here.
About St.John the Baptist Church
Opened: 1983
St. Joseph’s Cathedral is the seat of the Apostolic Vicar of Southern Arabia and is one of the four Catholic churches in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi besides St. Paul’s Church in Musaffah, St. Mary’s Church in Al Ain and St. John the Baptist Church in Ruwais.
St.John the Baptist Church Holy Mass
English Mass: Monday to Saturday – 7:30 PM
Catechism Mass: Sunday – 10:00 AM Catechism Mass
1. Wedding Anniversary Mass
On the last Sunday of every month: 7:30 pm
2. Language Masses
Malayalam: Saturday – 10:00 AM
Tagalog: 1st & 3rd Friday – 7:30 PM
Tamil: Last Friday of Every Month – 7:30 PM
Korean: Every alternative Tuesday – 6:00 PM
3. Novena To St. Anthony
Every Tuesday: 07.30 PM mass
Novena To Our Lady Of Perpetual Succor
Every Saturday: 7.30 PM mass
4. Rosary & Confession
Every day: 7.30 PM mass
5. Mass In Barakah
Korean: Every alternative Tuesday – 8:00 PM
English: Every Wednesday – 7:30 PM
How to Reach St.John the Baptist Church by Bus Stop/metro?
Nearby Bus Stop
- ADWEA Saipam Camp
- Hospitality Camp
List of Churches in Abu Dhabi, UAE
View the List of Churches in Abu Dhabi, UAE Address, Phone Number, Email, Website through the above link.
St.John the Baptist Church Gallery
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