Abu Dhabi DOT Bus no: Reg Bus 675-Runs between Habshan ADCO Accomdn and Madinat Zayed Bus Station
Abu Dhabi Bus number Reg Bus 675 stops at the below bus stops:
- Bay Madinat Zayed Bus Station
- Bay Municipality Office A
- Bay Shabiya
- Mad Madinat Zayed Hospital
- Bay MZ Hospital R/A
- Bay MZ Ghayathi R/A
- Mad E13-Bainunah
- Bay Bu Hasa R/A
- Mad Habshan BSS Tec. Camp
- Bay Habshan Merikh Company
- Bay Habshan CCC Camp
- Bay Asfaq Company
- Mad GASCO Camp
- Mad Arabian Pivot Camp
- Bay Habshan ADCO Accomdn
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