Reg Bus 660 – Bus Line / Route in Abu Dhabi – Time Schedule, Stops and Maps

Abu Dhabi DOT Bus no: Reg Bus 660-Runs between Liwa, Mezaira’a Bus Stationand Madinat Zayed Bus Station

Abu Dhabi Bus number Reg Bus 660 stops at the below bus stops:

  • Bay Madinat Zayed Bus Station
  • Bay Madinat Zayed Bus Station
  • Bay Madinat Zayed Bus Station
  • Bay E45 / Al Dhafra Mall
  • Bay E45-Environment Agency
  • Bay E45-Public Garden
  • Bay Maraba Al Dhafra
  • Bay E45-MZ Powerhouse
  • L E45 ACC Camp gate
  • L E45 ACC Camp
  • L Zayed Nursery / Wild Plants
  • L E45 / Bida Saif
  • L E45-Farms access Mosque
  • L E45 / Model Farm
  • L E45/Al Helew Mosque
  • L E45 / Al Helew Farms
  • L E45-Tamani Farms Mosque
  • L Mezaira’a E45 / Tamani Farms
  • L E45-Dates collection center
  • L E45-Al Ghabat Camp
  • L E45 Tamani Farms
  • L Mezaira’a E45 / Tamani Palace
  • L E45-Al Yeef Access Road
  • L Mezaira’a E45/Farms
  • L Mezaira’a-ADNOC FOD
  • L E45-Mezaira’a Souq
  • L Mezaira’a Bus Station

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