Abu Dhabi DOT Bus no: Reg Bus 300-Runs between Al Shamkha, Al Shamkha Makani Mall and Al Danah, Sultan Bin Zayed St / Capital Park
Abu Dhabi Bus number Reg Bus 300 stops at the below bus stops:
- Sultan Bin Zayed St / Capital Park
- Sultan Bin Zayed St / Gold Center
- Sultan Bin Zayed St / Mariam Bint Said Mosque
- Abu Dhabi Bus Station
- Sultan Bin Zayed St / Mohammed Bin Khalifa St
- Sultan Bin Zayed St / Al Jazeera Sports Club
- Khaleej Al Arabi St / Bus Interchange
- Al Khayr St / Stop 29910
- Stop29909
- Stop 29907
- Stop 29905
- St 15 / Stop 29971
- Stop 29972 / Mushi’ St
- St 15 / Shk. Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan Mosque
- Al Khayr St / Stop 30854
- Al Khayr St / Stop 30856
- Civil Defence
- Al Shamkha Makani Mall
Integrated Transport Centre (ITC) Customer Care Contacts
View the Integrated Transport Centre (ITC) Customer Care Contacts through the above link.
View Reg Bus 300 Route Time Schedule
How much is the bus fare in Reg Bus 300?
- Bus fare from AED 4.
Which is the first pick up /starting point for Reg Bus 300 – Bus Line / Route in Abu Dhabi?
Starts from Al Shamkha, Al Shamkha Makani Mall and Al Danah, Sultan Bin Zayed St / Capital Park.
Hafilat Card (Transport card) Abu Dhabi: How to apply, Bus trip / fare, How to report the lost card, Check status
Public transport services available for each Hafilat category include local city bus services, suburb bus services and intercity bus services from Abu Dhabi.
Hafilat Card Types
Types | Fee (AED) | Valid |
Contactless Smart Ticket CST (Temporary Use) | free | 30 days |
Contactless Smart Card Anonymous CSC (Permanent Use) | 10 | 5 Years |
Contactless Smart Card Personalised CSC (Permanent Use) | 10 | 6 Years |
Contactless Smart Card Senior Citizen CSC | 5 | 7 Years |
Contactless Smart Card Special Needs/Disabled CSC | 5 | 8 Years |
Contactless Smart Card Students | 5 | 9 Years |
Public Transport Bus Fares
Bus Services | Price (AED) |
Local trips (inside the city) | 2 |
Regional trips (suburbs) | 2 + 0.05 per kilometer. |
Inter-city trips | 10 + 0.1 per kilometer |
Hafilat Card Cost | 10 |
Hafilat Card Weekly Pass | 30 |
Hafilat Card Monthly Pass | 80 |
Hafilat Senior Citizen/People of determination Pass | Free |
Is there any tourist bus available in Abu Dhabi?
- Yes available. Big Bus Tours offers sightseeing tours of Abu Dhabi on open-top double-decker buses, with pre-recorded commentary available in a choice of different languages. Rewrite this sentence.
Got any question about Abu Dhabi DOT Bus No: Reg Bus 300? Contact Abu Dhabi DOT
Abu Dhabi DOT Contact phone number: +800850
Abu Dhabi DOT Email: customer.care@itc.gov.ae
Abu Dhabi DOT Fax: +97126359666
The Future of Transportation: Robot Taxis Coming to Abu Dhabi
View the Future of Transportation: Robot Taxis Coming to Abu Dhabi above link.
List of Bus Routes in Abu Dhabi, UAE
View the List of Bus Routes in Abu Dhabi, UAE through the above link.
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