OACIS (Off Airport Check In Solutions) in Khalifa City, Abu Dhabi, UAE Customer Care Phone number, Email, Address, Hours and Social media
Address: VD 30 Accelerator Building, Masdar City, Khalifa City, Abu Dhabi 86096, U.A.E
Phone: +971567990721
Email: info@oacis.ae
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday (9.00 am – 5.00 pm)
Website: https://www.oacis.ae/
Map: View Google direction here.
About OACIS (Off Airport Check In Solutions)
They are an innovative team offering state-of-the-art technology solutions to airport operators and ground handling companies. Our extremely agile solutions are catered to meet the future demands of air travel.
How to Book a OACIS (Off Airport Check In Solutions) in Abu Dhabi, UAE?
- Visit https://oacis.io/booking.
- Select your Booking Channel (Cruise Line, School, Groups, Special Event, Home, Conference, Hotel, Shopping Centre and Drive through)
- Enter your Contact Details ( Name, Mobile Number, Email Address)
- Select your Departure and Arrival Airport.
- Enter the Number of People.
- Enter your Promotion Code.
- Click Send.
OACIS (Off Airport Check In Solutions) Services
- Take Up Rate
- Delivery in Full on Time.
- Incidents.
- Hours Freedom Created Per Customer.
- Net Promoter Score.
Contact OACIS (Off Airport Check In Solutions) on social media
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