NeoPay Mashreq UAE
NeoPay is a one step payment solution to pay. At present neopay has 10000+ merchants, 25000+ locations and 60000+ terminals. Neopay supports multiple places such as restaurants, hospitals, governments, home delivery services, real estate solution
How to contact NeoPay?
Address: Mashreq Bank Head Office Downtown Dubai, United Arab Emirates
NeoPay Mashreq Customer Care Phone number: 8004700
How to register?
- Visit
Neopay payment options:
Visa, Mastercard, CUP, JCB, RuPay, Mercury, Diners, Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Google Pay, UPI QR, Emirates Digital Wallet (klip), Alipay, WeChat Pay, nol.
What are the launches made so far from Mashreq Neopay UAE?
- WeChat Pay
- Tap on Phone
- Central Bank’s payment gateway UAEPGS
- Android terminal
- Mercury, JCB, Rupay accepted on Mashreq terminals
- DCC (Digital Currency Conversion)
- Alipay
- Apple Pay
- Samsung Pay
- Emirates Digital Wallet
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