National Rehabilitation Center (NRC) in Al Ittihad, Abu Dhabi, UAE Address, Phone Number, Email, Website, Hours, App and Social Media
National Rehabilitation Center (NRC) is one of the UAE Government Entities
Address: National Rehabilitation Center Airport Road Opposite Al Ittihad newspaper Abu Dhabi P.O. Box: 55001
Phone Number: 8002252
Fax: 97123060111
Website: National Rehabilitation Center (NRC)
Opening Hours: Monday-Thursday : 07:30-15:30
Friday : 07:30-12:00
Map: View Google direction here.
The Federal Authorities in the UAE
The UAE Federal Authorities:
- Federal Supreme Council.
- President and Vice President.
- The Cabinet.
- Federal National Council.
- Federal Judicial Authority.
UAE Cabinet Members
View the UAE Cabinet Members through the above link.
About National Rehabilitation Center (NRC)
How to Reach National Rehabilitation Center (NRC) by Bus Stop / Metro Station / ATM?
Nearby Bus Stop
Nearby Metro Station
Nearby ATM
National Rehabilitation Center (NRC) Gallery
List of Government Entities in Abu Dhabi, UAE
View the List of Government Entities in Abu Dhabi, UAE Address, Phone Number, Email, Website, Hours, App and Social Media through the above link.
Download National Rehabilitation Center (NRC) App from Google Play Store, Android/Apple store, mac, ios
Contact National Rehabilitation Center (NRC) on social media
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