How to open an account with Bank Sarasin Alpen ME, Abu Dhabi, UAE?

Procedure to open an account with Bank Sarasin Alpen ME, Abu Dhabi, UAE?

  • Start by contacting Bank J. Safra Sarasin Alpen (ME) Limited in Abu Dhabi. You can contact them through their official website, email, or phone to inquire about the account opening procedure and the required documents.
  • If required, schedule an appointment to visit the Bank J. Safra Sarasin Alpen (ME) Limited branch in Abu Dhabi. During your visit, you’ll need to submit the completed application form and provide the required documents.
  • Bank staff will review your application and documents. They may conduct additional checks as required by UAE regulations and the bank’s policies.
  • Once your application is approved and all necessary requirements are met, the bank will open the account for you. You’ll receive account details, instructions, and any relevant documents.
  • Many banks offer online banking services. You might receive login credentials to access your account online.

Documents Required

  • Valid passport with a valid residence visa (for expatriates).
  • Emirates ID card (if applicable).
  • Proof of address (utility bill or rental agreement).
  • Proof of income (salary certificate, employment contract, or business documents).
  • Completed account opening application form (provided by the bank).
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