Those who are moving to a new property / house / flats, you require a new water & electricity connection in Abu Dhabi. If you are registered at Tawtheeq for the rental agreement, your account for water & electricity will be set up at ADDC.
Residential Move-in Water & Electricity Connection
How to get new water & electricity account at ADDC?
Once you registered with Tawtheeq, your accounts will be set up.
Procedure to get Water and Electricity for a new tenant / resident in Abu Dhabi
Tawtheeq, the city’s tenancy contract registration, is required if you’re renting a house in Abu Dhabi or the neighboring area.
- You can register here.
- Upon receiving your information, we will create your power and water accounts through the Tawtheeq link we established in 2015. This eliminates the need for a second step in the application process.
- Your new ADDC account number will allow you to manage your account online.
For new owners/tenants
- In order to begin getting water and electricity, you will need to fill out a move-in application if you recently purchased your home or are a tenant who lives outside of Tawtheeq’s service region.
How to send move-in application to get new water & electricity connection?
Documents required
- Passport
- Family book (For UAE nationals)
- Tenancy Contract, Property Purchase Contract or Site Plan
- The previous Account Closing Letter for the property you’re planning to move into
How to get a copy of Account Closing Letter / Clearance Letter?
- You can ask your landlord.
How to apply for a connection at ADDC Branches?
- Visit any of the ADDC branches
- Fill the application form with the required details
How to apply for a connection for tenants / owners at ADDC website online?
- Visit the website
- Enter the property details, personal details
- Upload the necessary documents
Business Move-in Water & Electricity Connection
How to apply for a new water & electricity connection for tenants / owners at ADDC website online?
- Visit
- Select Tenant / Owner
- Enter your Premise ID
- Enter your property address
- Click ‘Continue’
- Enter your name, contact number, email
- Upload the required documents
For more details, email
ADDC Customer Care Contact phone number: 800 2332
Download ADDC Customer Application form here
Documents required
For Tenants
- Passport
- Emirates ID
- Tenancy Contract
- Account Closing Letter from a previous property that you are relocating to
For Owners
- Passport
- Emirates ID
- Ownership deed or site plan issued by AD Municipality, legitimate and legal.
- Account Closing Letter from a previous home you’re moving into.
How much are the charges?
- The initial bill must include a Dh1,000 security deposit, regardless of the kind of residential unit.
How to pay the bill?
- The municipal and residential contracts in Abu Dhabi are fully integrated with the city’s power and water supply. The Abu Dhabi Distribution Company (ADDC) will be notified of the new connection as soon as you sign your Tawtheeq contract.
- Two days before the contract is scheduled to begin, phone ADDC on their toll-free number 800 2332 and let them know that you have submitted the request.
- You can also use a credit card to pay your ADDC fee by dialing 800 2332.
- To pay your account, write a check and mail it to ADDC’s postal address, which appears on the top of each bill.
- ADDC has partnered with banks like ADCB and NBAD, as well as a number of money exchanges, to provide bill payment options.
- You can also pay through the official website of the Abu Dhabi government,, if you have an account there.
- or any post office in UAE.
How to check the status of your application?
Can you get an account at ADDC without having an Emirates ID?
Yes, you can get it if you are applied already and waiting for it. You can still apply, but required to provide the Emirates ID number with in 40 days.
What is the security deposit at ADDC Water & Electricity Connection Abu dhabi?
- Security deposit amount is AED 1000
For any queries, call the Empost customer care number
Phone: +971 4 8002332
How to find a branch?
You can check here.
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