German Speaking Ladies (GLAD) Abu Dhabi Contacts (How to reach and connect?)

German Speaking Ladies (GLAD):

If you are new to Abu Dhabi city / area and you want to meet / know about German people lives in Abu Dhabi, you can contact the social media of German Speaking Ladies (GLAD) (link given below).

  • Meeting will be held regularly for the German speaking women / ladies.
  • A Coffee morning (Brunch) will be held by GLadies on every second Monday of each month from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. in different locations, except during the summer break in July/August.
  • Gladies group organizes Excursion and guided tours together, sports / activities
  • There are GLADies Ladies Nights, cultural eventsments, excursions, courses and more.

German Speaking Ladies Abu Dhabi GLAD Email, Website

GLAD Website:


How to reach German Speaking Ladies Abu Dhabi GLAD on Social Media (Facebook, Instagram)?

You can connect German speaking women in Abu Dhabi on Facebook and Instagram.

  • Log in or create an account with FB or Insta
  • To check for the more information, click ‘glad’ on Facebook under menu and
  • Click ‘gladiesad’ on Instagram under menu

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