List of Free Zones in Abu Dhabi
Benefits of Free Zones in Abu Dhabi
- Allows 100% foreign national ownership of firm without local sponsor or local service agent.
- Waiver of corporate taxes.
- 100% repatriation of revenue and profits.
- Exemption from personal taxes, import and export taxes.
- Less Documentation more suited to foreign investors.
- Long-term leasing options (up to 25 years) available at great terms to investors.
- Simple, fast and cheap recruitment and workforce processes are simplified, faster and cheaper.
- Easy availability of legal, housing, immigration, labour and other facilities.
- Incorporation is faster than when done outside free zones.
- 100% free transfer of funds.
Abu Dhabi Airport Free Zone (ADAFZ)
[icon name=”location-arrow”] Address: P.O. Box 94449 Abu Dhabi, UAE
[icon name=icon-phone] Phone: +9718001111
[icon name=fax] Fax: +97125055922
[icon name=”map-marker”] Maps: View google map direction here.