Etisalat UAE Customer Care Phone number, Address, Email
Etisalat has been providing telecommunications services in the UAE since 1976, and has built a modern telecom infrastructure and established itself as an innovative and reliable operator.
Etisalat Head office: Etisalat Head Office Building, Old Airport Road, Al Markaziyah, Abu Dhabi City, Abu Dhabi.
Customer care Number
*Telephone numbers (24 hours, 7 days a week) |
For individuals | From inside the UAE, free calling number. | 101 |
From outside the UAE, calling number. | +971 400444101 | |
For enterprises | From inside the UAE, Free calling number | 8005800 |
From outside the UAE, calling number.
+971 8005800 |
Etisalat Official Website:
How to open a New Etisalat store in Abu Dhabi?
View How to open a New Etisalat store in Abu Dhabi, Procedures required, Eligibility through the above link.
List of Etisalat Stores in Abu Dhabi, UAE
View the List of Etisalat Stores in Abu Dhabi, UAE address, phone number, email, through the above link.
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