When is Eid Al Adha holidays this year 2023 in Abu Dhabi, UAE?
From June 27 th 2023 to July 3, 2023
Eid 2023 Abu Dhabi Prayer timings
- Abu Dhabi city: 5.57 am
When is the next major public holidays in Abu Dhabi 2023?
Check Abu Dhabi Public & Private Holidays 2023
Things to do in these Eid Holidays 2023 in Abu Dhabi
Most of the expats / residents and Citizens of Abu Dhabi will plan to go out of UAE to some major tourist spot or they will plan for inside attraction in Abu Dhabi, Dubai
Some of the attractions in Abu Dhabi, UAE?
- Sea World Abu Dhabi – Marine Life Theme Parks Attractions, Ticket Cost, Hours
- Louvre museum Abu Dhabi
- Eastern Mangrove National Park
- Emirates park zoo
- Shiekh Zayed Grand Mosque Abu Dhabi
- Kidzania Abu Dhabi
Some of the attractions in Dubai, UAE?
- Garden in the Sky (Flying Park) Dubai, UAE: Attraction, Cost, How to access, Timing
- Dubai Butterfly Garden Customer Care Phone number, Attractions, Cost, Open time, Map, Group tickets
- JumpX – Inflatable Park in Riverland Dubai
- Hysteria Dubai Mall – Haunted house / attractions in Dubai
- Dubai Frame
- Kidzania Dubai
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