DARB Toll System Abu Dhabi Customer Care Phone number, Address, Hours, Fines, APP, Exemptions
Address: Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Phone: 800850
Email: N/A
Website: https://darb.itc.gov.ae/
About DARB Toll System
Organization: Integrated Transport Centre (DARB)
City: Abu Dhabi
Darb is the road toll system of the Integrated Transport Centre – Department of Municipalities and Transport in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, and it works without kiosks or barriers.
DARB Toll System Login
- Visit https://darb.itc.gov.ae/login
- Enter the Email, ID number or Traffic Code.
- Enter the Password.
- Click Sign in.
DARB Toll System Abu Dhabi Customer Care Cost, Peak Time, Holidays, Exemptions, Fines
Check the DARB Toll System Abu Dhabi Customer Care Cost, Peak Time, Holidays, Exemptions, Fines through the above link.
Download DARB App from Google Play Store, Android/Apple Store, mac, ios
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