Abu Dhabi Cooperative Society (ADCOOP) in Khalifa City Phone Number, Address, Email, How to Reach by Bus / Metro?
Coop Store in Khalifa City
Abu Dhabi Cooperative Society (ADCOOP) has transformed the retail industry in UAE by consistently delivering value and quality to all its stakeholders.
Address: Makani Khalifa City SE-13Abu DhabiUnited Arab Emirates
Phone: (02) 556 7887
Email: customerservice@adcoops.com
Hours: Monday to Sunday – 8:00 AM – 12:00 AM
Website: https://www.abudhabicoop.com/
Map: View Google direction here.
About Coop Store
Established: 1980
Abu Dhabi Co-operative Society’s Chairman: Mohammed bin Butti Al Hamed
Abu Dhabi Cooperative Society (ADCOOP) has transformed the retail industry in UAE by consistently delivering value and quality to all its stakeholders.
Abu Dhabi Cooperative Society (ADCOOP) Business
*For more details visit here.
Abu Dhabi Cooperative Society (ADCOOP) Customer Care Contacts
View the Abu Dhabi Cooperative Society (ADCOOP) Customer Care Contacts through the above link.
Hadiyati Gift Card
View the Hadiyati Gift Card through the above link.
How to Contact Coop Makani Khalifa City Se-13, Abu Dhabi?
- Website: Coop Makani Khalifa City Se-13
- Phone: (02) 556 7887
- Email: customerservice@adcoops.com
- Hours: Monday to Sunday – 8:00 AM – 12:00 AM
How to Reach Coop Makani Khalifa City Se-13 by Bus / Metro / Taxi?
By Bus
- L43N43
By Taxi
How to get a supermarket License in Abu Dhabi, UAE?
Check the procedure to get a supermarket License in Abu Dhabi, UAE through the above link.
List of SPAR Stores in Abu Dhabi, UAE
View the List of SPAR Stores in Abu Dhabi, UAE through the above link.
Jobs | Careers at Coop Store in Abu Dhabi, UAE
*For Job Vacancy at Coop Store in Abu Dhabi, UAE please visit here.
List of Coop Stores in Abu Dhabi, UAE
View the List of Coop stores in Abu Dhabi, UAE through the above link.
Download Coop Store App from Google Play Store, Android / Apple store, mac, ios
Contact Coop Store on Social Media
1. How many coops are there in Abu Dhabi in UAE?
- 45 hypermarkets, supermarkets, convenience stores, and seven shopping malls across the UAE.
2. Who is the chairman of Abu Dhabi Coop?
- Abu Dhabi Co-operative Society’s Chairman is Mohammed bin Butti Al Hamed.
3. How many Union Coop stores are there in UAE?
- 27 Union Coop Hypermarkets.
Coop Store Gallery
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