Abu Dhabi population by Nationality
The population of Abu Dhabi is difficult to calculate because 79.6 percent of the total population does not live in the city. However, the total population of both residents and non-residents in 2016 is 2.908 million people. Between 2010 and 2016, Abu Dhabi’s growth rate was 5.6 percent, as an increasing number of people took advantage of the region’s exceptional economy.

Abu Dhabi population by Expats vs Locals (%)
According to estimates, Abu Dhabi had a total population of about 2.9 million people at the time, with 2.4 million foreigners and 550,000 local Abu Dhabi citizens.

Abu Dhabi population by Religion
According to the reports published in Global Religious Futures Project, Abu Dhabi has Mostly Muslim (75%), Followed by other religions like Hindu, Christian, Jews, and many more.

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