Abu Dhabi Municipality Customer Care Phone number, Address, Hours, Email, Website, Location and social media
Address: Al Mamoura Building, 45, Ahl Al ‘Azm St, Al Nahyan, Abu Dhabi 22221, UAE
Phone Number: 023013333
Email: info@dmt.gov.ae
Working days: Monday to Thursday – (07:30 AM – 03:30 PM) and Friday – (07:30 AM – 12:00 PM)
Website: https://www.dmt.gov.ae/en/adm
Maps: View google map direction here.
About Abu Dhabi Municipality
Parent department: Department of Municipalities and Transport
Jurisdiction: Government of the Abu Dhabi Central Capital District
Abu Dhabi City Municipality was established in 1962 during the reign of Sheikh Shakhbut al-Nahyan as the Department of Abu Dhabi Municipality and Town Planning, nine years prior to the unification of the United Arab Emirates in 1971. It’s establishment was followed by the Emirate’s first oil exports in the 1962.
Abu Dhabi Municipality Services
- Request for Detailed Masterplan Approval
- Request for Vacant Plot Certificate
- Request a Permit to Install Car Shed Inside the Plot
- Request to Issue or Renew Property Evaluation Company Licence
- Manage Spatial Data Generation Requests
- Request an Investigation Certificate
- Request a Building Permit
- Enroll and Register Units for Lease
- Request Residential Unit Verification Certificate
- Request to Amend Property Details
*For more details visit here.
Abu Dhabi Municipality Public Facilities
- Public Parks and Residential Neighborhood Parks
- Beaches and Swimming Pools
- Sports Fields
Contact Abu Dhabi Municipality on social media
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4 thoughts on “Abu Dhabi Municipality Customer Care Phone number, Address, Hours, Email”
Sir, I need labour job please help me.
And my visit visa only times 30 days please
sir my name SHAMIULLAH, +971588782044 pls want help
Dear sir .I am son of shaik baber who’s died in 1994.and he has a shop as name stabilised AWATIF PLUMBING AND SANITATION CO, may he deposited fee can refund to me .it was stablished in 1987/88.MY MOBILE NUMBER IN INDIA+91709348****.THANKYOU SIR
We inform that, mussafah 43 bangla bazar. Irregularity is bribery. Broker always go the shop. MD hafiz under ten table. He control fruits area. Securitygrud always want money. Please send investigate immediately