How to contact Visa Screening Centre Ghayathi, Abu Dhabi?
Visa Screening Centre in Ghayathi, Abu Dhabi Address, Phone number, Open hours
[icon name = location-arrow] Address: Old Hospital Building, Ghayathi, Western Region
[icon name=icon-phone] Phone: +971 2 711 6900
[icon name=icon-envelope] Email: ahscontact@seha.ae
[icon name=fa-map-marker] Map: View Google direction here
[icon name=clock] Open hours: Monday to Friday, 7 AM–3:30 PM
How to book the visa screening in Ghayathi, Abu Dhabi?
- Customers can download SEHA app
- Login with your Emirates Id
- Select the center and
- Book the appointment online / Walk in
How many visa screening centers in Abu Dhabi?
There are 12 centers.
Fast Track Visa Screening Processing Time, Open Hours, Cost
Regular Visa Screening: [icon name=clock] Hours: Monday to Friday: 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM (Last application will be accepted at 3:30 PM)
Fast Track Visa Screening: [icon name=clock] Hours: Monday to Friday: 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM (Last application will be accepted at 3:30 PM)
[su_box title=”Central Hospital SEHA Disease Prevention & Screening Center in Al Tibbiya, Abu Dhabi, UAE?” disabled=”no” box_color=”#008000″ anchor=”” url=”” target=”blank” class=””]
Click the link to view Central Hospital SEHA Disease Prevention & Screening Center in Al Tibbiya, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
How to Reach Disease Prevention & Screening Center (DPSC) by Bus / Taxi?
- X88, X86, 680
How to book mobile Visa Screening Clinic in Abu Dhabi?
Email to mobilevisascreening@seha.ae
Is there any problem with reaching the Disease Prevention & Screening Center (DPSC) in Abu Dhabi, UAE Address or Phone number? Please report any issues using the below comment form.
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